Minor in Sustainability

As the world faces tremendous challenges and threats to its own sustainability -- including climate change, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, loss of biodiversity, poverty, hunger, and gender equality -- the importance of sustainable economic and social development is increasingly prioritized by organizations, governments, and citizens globally. The Minor in Sustainability provides students with a broad understanding of the principles of sustainability and the tools and techniques used for assessment and mitigation of issues in economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

A total of 15 credits are required to earn the Minor in Sustainability. Three required courses (9 hours) will introduce students to the social, political, and technical dimensions of sustainability. Two elective courses (6 hours) will allow students to focus in sustainability application areas of their choice while taking courses that are consistent with their level of preparation in their major degree program.

ENVE 201Earth Environ Sci (Earth and Environmental Science; submitted as a new course proposal 11/18/20)3
PS 329Environmental Politics and Policy3
or PS 338 Energy Policy
FDSN 314Sustainable Food Systems3
or SAM 504 Industrial Ecology and the Circular Economy
Select a minimum of two courses from the following:6
Basics of Building Simulation in the Built Environment I3
Basics of Building Simulation in the Built Environment II3
Integrated Building Delivery Practice/BIM3
Planning Law and Land Policy3
Building Science 13
Energy Conservation in Buildings 13
Net Zero Energy Building Design I3
Net Zero Energy Building Design II3
Energy, Environment, and Economics 13
Science of Climate Change3
Environmental Chemistry3
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drives 14
Power System Analysis 13
Energy Harvesting 13
Elements of Sustainable Energy 13
Environmental Policy3
Environmental Law3
ESG Analytics and Management3
Industrial Ecology and the Circular Economy3
Sustainable Energy Systems3
Introduction to Water Resources Engineering 13
Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Design 13
Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety3
Water and Wastewater Engineering 13
Global Environmental Change and Sustainability Analysis3
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage3
Introduction to Air Pollution Control 13
Food Plant Operations3
Integrated Facilities Management3
Sustainable Facilities Operations3
Issues in Industrial Sustainability3
Energy Options for Industry3
Special Topics in Sustainability3
Nuclear, Fossil-Fuel, and Sustainable Energy Systems 13
Fundamentals of Combustion 13
Total Credit Hours15

Denotes a course with prerequisites in mathematics, science, and/or engineering. Check the course catalog for specific prerequisites.