Minor in Game Design and Experiential Media

Required Courses

GEM 100Game Design and Experiential Media Intro to the Professions3
Game Design Foundation (3)
HUM 371Fundamentals of Game Design3
or HUM 372 Interactive Storytelling
GEM Human Factors Elective (3)
HIST 373History of Video Games3
or ITMD 362 Human-Computer Interaction and Web Design
or PHIL 374 Ethics in Computer Science
or PHIL 381 Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Ethics
or PSYC 301 Industrial Psychology
or PSYC 310 Social Psychology
or PSYC 363 Introduction to Sports Psychology
GEM Technical Electives (6)
Select 6 credit hours from the following list: 6
Technical Communication3
Document Design3
Engineering Graphics for Non-Engineers3
Graphic Representation for Non-Engineers3
Game Design Level 23
Practical Magic: Designing Entertainment Experiences.3
Introduction to Design Processes3
Introduction to Software Development3
Introduction to Open Source Application Development3
Open Source Programming3
Web Application Foundations3
Open-Source Intelligent Device Applications3
Introduction to Open Source Operating Systems3
Introduction to Smart Technologies3
Total Credit Hours15