Grades and Transcripts


Grade Grade Description Instructor Assigned Performance Evaluation Attempted Hours Earned Hours Quality Points Quality Hours GPA Hours FinAid Hours
A excellent x x x x 4.00 x x x
B above average x x x x 3.00 x x x
C average x x x x 2.00 x x x
D below average x x x x 1.00 x x x
E fail x x x 0.00 x x x
I incomplete x x 0.00 x
R research x x 0.00 x
NA non-attendance x x 0.00 x x x
NG non-graded 0.00
P pass x x x x 0.00
F fail x x x 0.00
S satisfactory x x x x 0.00 x
U unsatisfactory x x x 0.00 x
TR transfer course x 0.00
AU audit 0.00
W withdrawal x 0.00 x
X no grade submitted x 0.00 x

Grade Notes

AU Grade basis elected by student at point of registration. Permanent administrative grade automatically applied.
D Used for undergraduate and Stuart School of Business students only; not to be used for other graduate level course work.
I Temporary grade requested in writing of the instructor, by the student, prior to week of finals. Automatically posted when the Registrar's Office receives the approved request. A written agreement between the student and instructor must detail the remaining requirements for successful completion of the course. A grade of "I" will be assigned only in case of illness or for unusual or unforeseeable circumstances that prevent the student from completing the course requirements by the end of the term. Grades of "I" will automatically lapse to "E" on the published deadline of the subsequent term.
R Temporary grade indicating coursework is scheduled to extend beyond the end of term. Grade of R has same impact as grade of I until final letter grade is submitted. Does not expire or change to another grade.
NA A grade of "NA'' indicates a student never attended classes, lectures and/or lab sessions of a course and there was no apparent participation by the student in that course. As of Fall 2023, the "NA'' grade is an option for final grades for both undergraduate and graduate courses and is equivalent to the failing grade of "E'' for GPA calculations.
NG Grade basis for a course in which no evaluation is recorded. Permanent administrative grade automatically applied.
P/F Used for non-degree, continuing education training courses. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are graded on a Pass/Fail basis only.
S/U Pass/Fail grade basis used for select undergraduate and graduate academic courses. Not applicable to variable topics courses.
W Permanent administrative grade automatically applied when student withdraws before deadline (60% of term).
X Temporary administrative grade automatically applied when instructor fails to submit final grade by deadline.

Grading Procedure

Online submission of final grades are due on the published deadline following final exams. Grades of "X" are posted for all missing (blank) grades at that time and are resolved through the grade change process. All grade changes are initiated by the instructor of record or authorized academic officer. Current temporary grades of "I", "R", and "X" can be changed by the instructor directly with the Office of the Registrar to a final letter grade of: "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", or "S/U", if the class has a pass/fail grading basis of satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Temporary grades of "I" or "R" cannot be changed to another temporary or a non-letter, administrative grade of: "I", "R", "NA", "AU", "W", or "X". Other grade changes may require an additional level of approval by an academic officer or appeals committee.

Assessment of Student Academic Progress

Throughout the course of each semester, students should receive timely and substantive assessments from their courses' instructors regarding their academic progress and grades. Students who feel that their instructors do not provide adequate feedback may seek redress from their respective academic unit's chairperson and/or college dean.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of graded credit hours. Graded credit hours include courses graded "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E". All courses taken at Illinois Institute of Technology apply to the cumulative GPA, including those courses that do not apply toward graduation requirements for a degree program.

Major grade point Average

In addition to a cumulative GPA and term GPA, all undergraduate students with a declared major have a major GPA (MGPA). In most cases, the MGPA is calculated using courses in a major's academic unit. For more information on which courses are factored in a specific major's MGPA, check with that academic unit or Academic Affairs.

Course Repeat Policy

Undergraduate students may request to repeat a course and must submit the request through Undergraduate Degree Works (available in the Undergraduate Academic Affairs channel of the MyIIT portal) by using the petition tab. This request should be made after a student registers for the course the second time. The course repeat policy is as follows:

  • A maximum of three 100- and 200-level courses may be repeated. A maximum of three 300- and 400-level courses may be repeated. Course repeats not used for 100- and 200-level courses cannot be carried forward to 300- and 400-level courses.
  • Both grades will be recorded on the official transcript.
  • Both the grade and credit hours from the first course will be removed from a student's GPA calculation.
  • Only the second grade will be used to compute the GPA, even if the second grade is lower, except when the second grade is "I", "R", "S", "U", "W", "X", or "AU".
  • A repeated course must be taken within one calendar year after initial enrollment in that course or the next time the course is offered (whichever is longer). 
  • The same course may be repeated only once.
  • If a course is no longer offered by the university, the provision to repeat the course does not apply.
  • Repeating a course when the first grade is a "C" or "B" requires the approval of a student's faculty adviser.

Taking a Course for Pass/Fail

Undergraduate students may take a maximum of three courses as Pass/Fail, provided that any such course meets the following criteria:

  1. The department offering the course has designated it as eligible for the Pass/Fail option.
  2. The course is:
  • A free elective within the student's major program, or
  • Designated as eligible for Pass/Fail grading by the academic unit or other authority which oversees the student's major and/or minor programs, or
  • A course taken above and beyond all of the student's program requirements for graduation.

If a student takes a course as Pass/Fail, an "S" or Pass grade will be earned for the equivalent of a standard grade of "A", "B", "C", or "D", and will not figure into GPA calculations. A Fail will be entered as the standard grade of "E", and will figure into GPA calculations. Students must declare their intention to take a course Pass/Fail by the end of the registration period. A course taken initially as Pass/Fail may only be repeated for a grade change as Pass/Fail; likewise, a course taken initially as a standard graded course may only be repeated for a change of grade as a standard graded course. For more information on Pass/Fail registration, visit the Office of the Registrar website (