Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems/Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Program Requirements

Computer Science Requirements (18)
CS 100Introduction to the Profession2
CS 115Object-Oriented Programming I2
CS 116Object-Oriented Programming II2
CS 330Discrete Structures3
CS 331Data Structures and Algorithms3
CS 350Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming3
CS 351Systems Programming3
Computer Science Technical Electives (15)
Select 15 crecit hours 115
Computer Science Electives (6)
Select six credit hours6
Psychological Science Requirements (37-38)
LCHS 100Introduction to the Professions2-3
or PSYC 100 Introduction to the Profession
PSYC 203Undergraduate Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences4
PSYC 204Research Methods in Behavioral Science4
PSYC 221Introduction to Psychological Science3
PSYC 301Industrial Psychology3
PSYC 303Introduction to Psychopathology3
PSYC 310Social Psychology3
PSYC 320Applied Correlation and Regression3
or PSYC 409 Psychological Testing
Choose four of the following upper-level psychological science courses:12
Human Motivation and Emotion3
Neural and Biological Bases of Behavior3
Learning Theory3
Cognitive Science3
Child Development3
Adult Development3
Senior Capstone Project I3
Psychology Electives (15)
Choose 15 credit hours of psychology courses at 300- or 400-level. 2,315
Mathematics Requirements (5)
MATH 151Calculus I5
Science Elective (3)
Select three credit hours3
Political Science Requirement (3)
Select three credit hours 43
Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements (21)
See Illinois Tech Core Curriculum, sections B and C21
Natural Sciences Requirements (11)
See Illinois Tech Core Curriculum, section D11
Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) (6)
See Illinois Tech Core Curriculum, section E6
Free Elective (3)
Free Elective3
Total Credit Hours143-144

Computer Science technical electives are designated with a (T) in the course descriptions.


15 credit hours of psychology electives are required (chosen from any psychology course at the 300- or 400-level that is not part of the required core courses), or 15 credit hours in a specialization. Note that courses taken in the required core psychological science curriculum cannot be counted towards specialization requirements. Only six credit hours in a specialization may be taken in a field outside of psychology.


A maximum of three credit hours of PSYC 497 can be earned in any given semester. A maximum of six credit hours of PSYC 497 can be applied as psychology electives. Additional PSYC 497 credit hours may be applied as free electives.


Any 200-level political science course.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems/Bachelor of Science in Psychology Curriculum

Year 1
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
CS 1002CS 1162
CS 1152PSYC 3013
MATH 1515Science Elective3
PSYC 2213Science Elective Lab1
LCHS 100 or PSYC 1002Social Science Elective3
Humanities 200-level Course3Political Science Course3
 Humanities Elective (300+)3
 17 18
Year 2
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
CS 3303CS 3503
CS 3313Computer Science Elective3
PSYC 2034Computer Science Technical Elective3
PSYC 3103Science Elective3
Science Elective3PSYC 2044
Science Elective Lab1Social Sciences Elective (300+)3
 17 19
Year 3
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
CS 3513PSYC 3033
PSYC 320 or 4093IPRO 3973
Upper-level Psychology Course3Computer Science Technical Elective3
Psychology Elective3Upper-level Psychology Course3
Science Elective3Psychology Elective3
Humanities or Social Science Elective3Psychology Elective3
 18 18
Year 4
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
Computer Science Elective3Computer Science Technical Elective3
Computer Science Technical Elective3Upper-level Psychology Course3
Computer Science Technical Elective3Psychology Elective3
Upper-level Psychology Course3Free Elective3
Psychology Elective3Humanities Elective (300+)3
IPRO 4973Social Science Elective (300+)3
 18 18
Total Credit Hours: 143