Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture

The Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture (M.Arch./M.L.A.) dual degree has been shaped in recognition of the fact that in the best circumstances, architecture and landscape work in synthesis to shape our built environment. This dual degree program provides core knowledge in both fields, while also emphasizing their shared territories and concerns, and ultimately preparing students to engage with the full complexity of the contemporary metropolis. By bringing the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture degrees together, we embrace the integrative thinking that will address the challenges and opportunities set before designers of the 21st century. 

Admission Requirements

To be admitted without conditions to the M.Arch./M.L.A. program, an applicant is required to possess the following:

  1. an understanding of basic systems and analytical procedures, including mechanics, heat transfer, light, and sound, as demonstrated through the successful completion of a college-level physics course equivalent to Illinois Tech’s PHYS 200
  2. an understanding of basic mathematical principles and analytical procedures, including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, as demonstrated through the successful completion of a college-level mathematics course equivalent to Illinois Tech’s MATH 122
  3. a basic ability to produce freehand drawings of architectural forms and spaces, as demonstrated by the successful completion of one college-level drawing course or by portfolio submissions
  4. a basic understanding of design, as demonstrated by the successful completion of one college-level design course or by portfolio submissions
  5. prior college-level coursework in freehand drawing, biology, and earth science (geology, physical geography, or hydrology, etc.)
  6. a minimum of 45 semester hours (or the quarter hour equivalent) outside of architectural studies, either as general studies or electives with content outside of architecture 

Candidates admitted with deficiencies in any of these prerequisites must fulfill them before matriculation. Candidates will be notified upon admission of their program of study, which is determined by prior academic training and professional experience, as well as portfolio content. Applicants must have a college grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

Candidates who hold a B.S. in Architecture, a B.S. in Landscape Architecture (B.S.L.A.), or an equivalent pre-professional architecture degree, that partially fulfills NAAB (National Architectural Accreditation Board) requirements may qualify for up to one year of advanced standing in the professional degree program. For applicants with undergraduate degrees in architecture, the portfolio is the single most important component of the application. Project selection should be heavily skewed towards large-scale comprehensive design projects developed across several scales. Mastery of structural design, familiarity with advanced building technologies, and thorough knowledge of building practices should be clearly communicated. 


Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture

Required Courses (108)
ARCH 485Structures I: Structural Analysis -- The System3
ARCH 486Structures II: Building Design3
ARCH 500Global Modernism3
ARCH 501Contemporary Architecture3
ARCH 502Advanced Topics in History and Theory I3
ARCH 506Design Communications I: Units and Order3
ARCH 507Design Communications II: Systems and Assemblages3
ARCH 513Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems for Architects I3
ARCH 514Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems for Architects II3
ARCH 541Architecture Studio I: Elements6
ARCH 542Architecture Studio II: Architecture in the City6
ARCH 543Architecture Studio III: Living in the City 6
ARCH 544Architecture Studio IV: Working in the City6
LA 501History, Theory, and Criticism I: Landscape Architecture Theory3
LA 502History, Theory, and Criticism II: Landscape Architectural History3
LA 503History, Theory, and Criticism IV: Advanced Contemporary Theory -- Case Studies3
LA 504History, Theory, and Criticism III: Landscape Architecture Research Seminar3
LA 514Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture I: Entrepreneurship and Practice3
or ARCH 568 Architectural Practice
LA 516Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture II: Landscape Architecture and Time3
LA 527Design Media III: Advanced Modeling and Fabrication-Dynamic Processes3
LA 541Landscape Architecture Studio I: Processes6
LA 542Landscape Architecture Studio II: Site and City6
LA 543Landscape Architecture Studio III: Comprehensive Landscape Architecture6
LA 546Landscape Architecture Studio VI: Metropolis6
or ARCH 546 Architecture Studio VI: Advanced
LA 565Ecology and Materials Workshop I: Plants and Planting3
LA 566Ecology and Materials Workshop II: Earthworks and Infrastructures3
LA 567Ecology and Materials Workshop III: Planting Design and Construction3
LA 568Ecology and Materials Workshop IV: Constructing the Urban Environment3
Architecture Electives (3)
Choose a minimum of three credit hours from any ARCH 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.3
Landscape Architecture Electives (6)
Choose a minimum of six credit hours from any LA 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.6
LA or ARCH Electives (6)
Choose a minimum of six credit hours from any LA or ARCH 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.6
Total Credit Hours123

Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture with Advanced Standing (admitted with a Bachelor in Landscape Architecture)

Required Courses (63)
ARCH 501Contemporary Architecture3
ARCH 513Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems for Architects I3
ARCH 514Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems for Architects II3
ARCH 542Architecture Studio II: Architecture in the City6
or LA 542 Landscape Architecture Studio II: Site and City
ARCH 543Architecture Studio III: Living in the City 6
ARCH 544Architecture Studio IV: Working in the City6
ARCH 546Architecture Studio VI: Advanced 6
or LA 546 Landscape Architecture Studio VI: Metropolis
LA 501History, Theory, and Criticism I: Landscape Architecture Theory3
or ARCH 520 Introduction to Urbanism
LA 503History, Theory, and Criticism IV: Advanced Contemporary Theory -- Case Studies3
LA 504History, Theory, and Criticism III: Landscape Architecture Research Seminar3
LA 516Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture II: Landscape Architecture and Time3
LA 541Landscape Architecture Studio I: Processes6
LA 545Landscape Architecture Studio V: Metropolis6
LA 567Ecology and Materials Workshop III: Planting Design and Construction3
LA 568Ecology and Materials Workshop IV: Constructing the Urban Environment3
Required Architectural Technology Electives (6)
Select a minimum of 6 credits from the following:6
Materials and Construction3
Material: Fibrous3
Material: Transparent3
Structures I: Structural Analysis -- The System3
Structures II: Building Design3
Long-Span and Special Structures3
Structural Systems for Tall Buildings and Long-Span Structures3
Topics in Advanced Technology3
Topics in Advanced Technology3
Talking TALL I3
Talking TALL II3
Tall Building Technologies I3
Tall Building Technologies II3
Required Architectural History/Theory/Culture Electives (6)
Select a minimum of 6 credits from the following:6
The Prairie School3
History of Landscape Architecture3
History, Theory, and Criticism II: Landscape Architectural History
Topics in Modernism3
Image City: Mediation of Space3
Conflict and Time3
Topics in Architecture History & Theory 1 to 6
Global Modernism3
Advanced Topics in History and Theory I3
Advanced Topics in History and Theory II3
Required Architectural Practice Elective (3)
Select a minimum of 3 credits from the following:3
Integrated Building Delivery Practice/BIM3
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Architecture3
Introduction to Real Estate Finance Fundamentals3
Comprehensive Opportunity Assessment and Entrepreneurship Development Project/Practicum6
Construction and Project Management3
Entrepreneurial Design: Sector Studies/Case Studies3
Architectural Practice3
Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture I: Entrepreneurship and Practice
Self-Management and Leadership3
Architecture or Landscape Architecture Design Communication Elective (3)
ARCH 508Design Communications III3
or LA 527 Design Media III: Advanced Modeling and Fabrication-Dynamic Processes
LA or ARCH Electives (12)
Choose a minimum of 12 credit hours from any LA or ARCH 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.12
Total Credit Hours93

Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture with Advanced Standing (admitted with a B.A. or B.S. in Architecture) 

Required Courses (72)
ARCH 501Contemporary Architecture3
ARCH 513Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems for Architects I3
ARCH 514Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems for Architects II3
ARCH 543Architecture Studio III: Living in the City 6
ARCH 544Architecture Studio IV: Working in the City6
ARCH 546Architecture Studio VI: Advanced 6
or LA 546 Landscape Architecture Studio VI: Metropolis
LA 501History, Theory, and Criticism I: Landscape Architecture Theory3
or ARCH 520 Introduction to Urbanism
LA 502History, Theory, and Criticism II: Landscape Architectural History3
or ARCH 446 History of Landscape Architecture
LA 503History, Theory, and Criticism IV: Advanced Contemporary Theory -- Case Studies3
LA 504History, Theory, and Criticism III: Landscape Architecture Research Seminar3
LA 516Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture II: Landscape Architecture and Time3
LA 541Landscape Architecture Studio I: Processes6
LA 542Landscape Architecture Studio II: Site and City6
LA 543Landscape Architecture Studio III: Comprehensive Landscape Architecture6
LA 565Ecology and Materials Workshop I: Plants and Planting3
LA 566Ecology and Materials Workshop II: Earthworks and Infrastructures3
LA 567Ecology and Materials Workshop III: Planting Design and Construction3
LA 568Ecology and Materials Workshop IV: Constructing the Urban Environment3
Architecture or Landscape Architecture Design Communication Elective (3)
ARCH 508Design Communications III3
or LA 527 Design Media III: Advanced Modeling and Fabrication-Dynamic Processes
Required Architectural Technology Elective (6)
Select a minimum of 6 credits from the following:6
Materials and Construction3
Material: Fibrous3
Material: Transparent3
Structures I: Structural Analysis -- The System3
Structures II: Building Design3
Long-Span and Special Structures3
Structural Systems for Tall Buildings and Long-Span Structures3
Topics in Advanced Technology3
Topics in Advanced Technology3
Talking TALL I3
Talking TALL II3
Tall Building Technologies I3
Tall Building Technologies II3
Required Architectural History/Theory/Culture Elective (3)
Selective a minimum of 3 credits from the following:3
The Prairie School3
Topics in Modernism3
Image City: Mediation of Space3
Conflict and Time3
Topics in Architecture History & Theory 1 to 6
Global Modernism3
Advanced Topics in History and Theory I3
Advanced Topics in History and Theory II3
Required Architectural Practice Elective (3)
Select a minimum of 3 credits from the following:3
Integrated Building Delivery Practice/BIM3
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Architecture3
Planning Law and Land Policy3
Introduction to Real Estate Finance Fundamentals3
Comprehensive Opportunity Assessment and Entrepreneurship Development Project/Practicum6
Construction and Project Management3
Entrepreneurial Design: Sector Studies/Case Studies3
Architectural Practice3
Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture I: Entrepreneurship and Practice
Self-Management and Leadership3
Strategic Management3
Financial Statement Applications3
Leadership and Organization Design3
Architecture Elective (3)
Choose a minimum of three credit hours from any ARCH 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.3
Landscape Architecture Elective (3)
Choose a minimum of three credit hours from any LA 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.3
Total Credit Hours93

Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture Curriculum

Year 1
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
ARCH 5003ARCH 4853
ARCH 5063ARCH 5073
ARCH 5133ARCH 5426
ARCH 5416LA 5023
 LA 5663
 15 18
Year 2
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
ARCH 4863ARCH 5013
ARCH 5436ARCH 5143
LA 5013ARCH 5446
LA 5653LA 5683
 15 15
Year 3
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
LA 5043LA 5033
LA 5273LA 514 or ARCH 5683
LA 5416LA 5426
LA 5673Architecture or Landscape Architecture Elective13
 15 15
Year 4
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
ARCH 502 or 5033LA 5163
LA 5436LA 546 or ARCH 5466
Landscape Architecture Elective33Architecture Elective23
Architecture or Landscape Architecture Elective13Landscape Architecture Elective33
 15 15
Total Credit Hours: 123

Electives may be chosen from any LA or ARCH 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.


Electives may be chosen from any ARCH 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.


Electives may be chosen from any LA 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.


Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture with Advanced Standing Curriculum (admitted with a Bachelor in Landscape Architecture)

Year 1
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
LA 5013ARCH 5013
LA 5416ARCH 542 or LA 5426
LA 5673LA 5683
Required Architectural History/Theory/Culture Elective13Architecture/Landscape Architecture Design Communication Elective23
 15 15
Year 2
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
ARCH 5133ARCH 5143
ARCH 5436ARCH 5446
Required Architectural Technology Elective13LA 5033
Architecture or Landscape Architecture Elective33Required Architectural Technology Elective13
 Required Architectural Practice Elective13
 15 18
Year 3
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
LA 5043ARCH 546 or LA 5466
LA 5163Required Architectural History/Theory/Culture Elective13
LA 5456Architecture or Landscape Architecture Elective33
Architecture or Landscape Architecture Elective33Architecture or Landscape Architecture Elective33
 15 15
Total Credit Hours: 93

Refer to official curriculum for required elective choices or meet with advisor. 


Choose from ARCH 508 or LA 527


Electives may be chosen from any LA or ARCH 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.


Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture with Advanced Standing Curriculum (admitted with a B.A. or B.S. in Architecture)

Year 1
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
ARCH 5133ARCH 5013
LA 501 or ARCH 5203ARCH 5143
LA 5416LA 502 or ARCH 4463
LA 5653LA 5426
 LA 5663
 15 18
Year 2
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
ARCH 5436ARCH 5446
LA 5673LA 5683
Required Architectural Technology Elective13Required Architectural Technology Elective13
Required Architectural History/Theory/Culture Elective13Architecture/Landscape Architecture Design Communication Elective23
 15 15
Year 3
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
LA 5043ARCH 546 or LA 5466
LA 5163LA 5033
LA 5436Required Architectural Practice Elective13
Landscape Architecture Elective33Architecture Elective43
 15 15
Total Credit Hours: 93

Refer to official curriculum for options or meet with advisor.


Choose from ARCH 508 or LA 527.


Electives may be chosen from any LA 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.


Electives may be chosen from any ARCH 400- or 500-level course with adviser approval.