Business (BUS)

BUS 510
Strategic Management

How do companies outperform their rivals to become market leaders in today's hyper-competitive global business environment? The answer lies in developing great strategies and executing them flawlessly. Strategic Management is the rigorous business process that helps you develop and execute highly effective strategies. The SM process has three major components: Analysis (of external and internal environments), Strategy (business-level, corporate and functional) and Performance (strategic competitiveness and above-normal profits). The course has a strong experiential learning component. With the help of a strategic management computer simulation game, you will run a simulated company in a highly competitive marketplace to outperform your competitors and become market leader. At the end of the course, you will learn business fundamentals, the strategic management process, strategy formulation and implementation, data-driven decision making, and a good understanding of accounting, finance, human resources, marketing and production. This graduate course is suitable for students with or without a business background.

Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Credits: 3
BUS 532
Artificial Intelligence in Business

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the evolving area of AI, with an emphasis on potential business applications and related managerial insights. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science behind systems that can program themselves to classify, predict, and offer solutions based on structured and unstructured data. For millennia, humans have pondered the idea of building intelligent machines. Ever since, AI has had highs and lows, demonstrated successes and unfulfilled potential. Today, AI is empowering people and changing our world. Netflix recommends movies, Amazon recommends popular products, self-driving cars learn to navigate safely around other vehicles without human assistance, and programmed robots distinguish trash from dishes that are to be washed. This course focuses on how AI systems understand, reason, learn and interact; learn from industry’s experience on several AI cases; develop a develop a deeper understanding of machine learning (ML) techniques and the algorithms that power those systems, and propose solutions to real world scenarios leveraging AI methodologies. The course also presents two key opportunities: first, to earn a globally recognized IBM digital badge in AI; second, to develop a high-quality proposal to plan and execute the deployment of an AI application at a student’s future employer.

Lecture: 0 Lab: 0 Credits: 0
BUS 550
Business Statistics

This course covers statistics, optimization, and simulation tools that are critical for managers in enabling their firms to have a competitive advantage. The course covers probability, sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression, ANOVA, goodness-of-fit tests, and managerial decision-making under uncertainty. The models address problems in a variety of business functional areas and business processes. The focus of the course is on using business analytics to build models and using software to aid in decision-making.

Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Credits: 3
BUS 571
Entrepreneurship Capstone Studio Course

The BUS 571 Capstone Studio course in the Master of Technological Entrepreneurship program provides students with a hands-on, real-world opportunity to complete a project in one of the three following roles: 1. Startup Founder: Bring your startup ideas to your Capstone project. Identify, investigate and/or evaluate the suitability of a product or service to the marketplace. 2. Creative Researcher/Research Commercialization: Apply your talents to investigate and/or evaluate a research-based technology for suitability as a product or service. 3. Corporate Innovator: Make an impact within a business or organization. Work with an existing company to evaluate and/or investigate a product or service opportunity for the company. Students will either build or join a small team to develop a prototype, engage customers and partners, and identify support and/or funding.

Lecture: 0 Lab: 3 Credits: 3
BUS 572
Entrepreneurship Capstone Studio Course

The BUS 572 Capstone Studio course provides students with a hands-on, real world opportunity to complete a project in one of the three following roles: 1. Startup Founder: Bring your startup ideas to your Capstone project. Identify, investigate and/or evaluate the suitability of a product or service to the marketplace. 2. Creative Researcher/Research Commercialization: Apply your talents to investigate and/or evaluate a research-based technology for suitability as a product or service. 3. Corporate Innovator: Make an impact within a business or organization. Work with an existing company to evaluate and/or investigate a product or service opportunity for the company. Students will either build or join a small team to develop a prototype, engage customers and partners, and identify support and/or funding.

Lecture: 0 Lab: 3 Credits: 3
BUS 592
Master of Technological Entrepreneurship Capstone Course

The BUS 592 Capstone course in the Master of Technological Entrepreneurship program provides students with a hands-on, real world opportunity to complete a project in one of the three following roles: 1. Startup Founder: Bring your startup ideas to your Capstone project. Identify, investigate and/or evaluate the suitability of a product or service to the marketplace. 2. Creative Researcher/Research Commercialization: Apply your talents to investigate and/or evaluate a research-based technology for suitability as a product or service. 3. Corporate Innovator: Make an impact within a business or organization. Work with an existing company to evaluate and/or investigate a product or service opportunity for the company. Students will either build or join a small team to develop a prototype, engage customers and partners, and identify support and/or funding. Students are required to take BUS 592 in every semester of their program to facilitate application of learning to their project.

Credit: Variable
BUS 595
Special Topics: Business Administration

Special topics in business administration.

Lecture: 0 Lab: 3 Credits: 3
BUS 598
Graduate Workplace Immersion

This course provides graduate students with a supervised, immersive, hands-on experience in a US workplace where they will gain exposure to an industry and practical experience with projects related to their interests. Students will work for a minimum of eight weeks, 32 hours/week. Students will be matched with an organization according to their area of study, related experience, and/or relevant skillset.

Lecture: 0 Lab: 6 Credits: 3