Exception Policy for MBA Performance-Based Admission Requirements

Stuart School of Business is dedicated to advancing students' careers worldwide in technologically oriented private and public sector industries through a combination of rigorous research and relevant education, as reflected in Stuart’s mission statement. 

Generally, the Illinois Institute of Technology and Stuart School of Business require applicants to an MBA program to have earned at least a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college in the United States or a comparable degree from a recognized institution of learning abroad. 

However, on very select occasions, Stuart School of Business may admit students to an MBA program who may fall short of meeting this requirement but have demonstrated extraordinary work experience, intellect, or other educational credentials complemented by significant work experience. 

Exception Policy:

There are 3 categories for a potential exception: 
(i) extraordinary background exemplified by ten years of business-relevant experience
(ii) extraordinary intellect exemplified by demonstrable achievements
(iii) significant other educational credentials complemented by related work experience

Should applicants fall into one of the above 3 categories, they may submit a complete application to Illinois Tech’s Performance-Based Admission process for consideration.  

Applicants under the exception policy will undergo the same rigorous application review as any student. Additionally, applicants must provide a statement detailing why they should be exempted from the standard bachelor’s degree requirement and undergo an interview.

If admitted, applicants will take a set of three predetermined performance-based admissions courses, and upon successful completion of this and other university requirements such as those required for conditional admission (cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, including a grade of B or higher in at least two of the three courses), they will be admitted to the MBA program as a degree-seeking student for the subsequent term as the earliest opportunity or a later term upon approved request. Conditions for admission will be addressed before graduation, with the normal expectation of these being realized prior to the application to graduate. 
The credits applicants earn in the three performance-based admissions courses will be applied toward their program of study and count toward their degree. All admitted applicants will have the full program and class experience, as well as access to academic advising and support.