Cross-listed Courses Policy

Same-Level Cross-Listed Courses: A same-level cross-listed course is a course listed by two or more academic units in which the same instruction is given simultaneously to students from each department. It is campus policy that these cross-listed courses' content and requirements are substantially the same, except for differences between levels (see below). This should be made clear by having one single set of Learning objectives (LOs), clearly stated on the syllabus, and an identical set of planned assessments. Best practice for same-level unit cross-listed courses at the same level would be to share the same numerical designation. One academic unit should be designated as the home department and be responsible for content and staffing changes.

In cases where a course is offered by one unit at a 400-level, and by another unit at the 500-level, the Level Cross-Listing rules will apply as needed. 

Different-Level Cross-Listed Courses: Cross-listing between academic levels (undergraduate and graduate) may occur if the curricular content is similar. Typically these courses will have a 400-level and a 500-level section. The 400-level (undergraduate) section should be reserved for advanced undergraduate students or beginner graduate students, and the 500-level (graduate) section should be designed for graduate students. The graduate section may deliver, and must assess, at least some material at a more advanced level. 

This is formally implemented in the course LOs and assessments. Any courses cross-listed at both undergraduate and graduate levels should:

  • Clearly list differences in LOs on the syllabi. Graduate LOs should generally be at a somewhat more advanced level. 

Please note that not all LOs need to be different. Several might very well be identical, given that the courses have been identified as being similar enough to be cross-listed. However some LOs should be different, and these differences should be clearly stated on the syllabi. 

  • Conduct student assessments in a fashion that is appropriate to, and recognizes these differences in LOs.

Generally this means graduate students will have a somewhat different assessment for at least the LOs that differ.  This could mean a different exam, or an exam with some different questions; or an extra or different assignment prompt, or a different grading scheme with additional requirements or requirements at a different level. 

The course description published in the catalog and other promotional materials must make clear the differences between levels, and syllabi should clearly state and differential LOs and student assessment.