Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning (EL) allows students to apply knowledge directly to experience outside of the academic setting; EL empowers students to learn by doing. At Illinois Tech, students may pursue various types of EL including: internships, co-ops, research opportunities, and much more. For more information, visit the Career Services website (web.iit.edu/experiential-learning). 

Policies for Graduate Students

  • Graduate students enrolled in a summer internship will follow registration requirements as published by Career Services web.iit.edu/experiential-learning and must be in good academic standing (cumulative GPA 3.0/4.0).
  • Graduate students enrolled in a fall or spring internship will follow registration requirements as published by Career Services web.iit.edu/experiential-learning and must be in good academic standing (cumulative GPA 3.0/4.0).
  • Graduate students on academic probation, from the prior semester (cumulative GPA below 3.0/4.0) are not eligible to complete an internship, for the first time, until the cumulative GPA is raised to 3.0/4.0.  Students can petition academic affairs to do an internship experience if their GPA falls below 3.0/4.0 by filling out a graduate student petition.
  • Graduate students on academic probation, during a semester in which enrollment in an internship is concurrent with academic course registration, are not eligible for continued enrollment in an internship without prior approval of Academic Affairs.
  • Graduate students, who are completing a second degree at Illinois Institute of Technology, when the first degree was also earned at Illinois Tech, are eligible for an internship, after one semester of full-time graduate enrollment, in a fall or spring semester.
  • Graduate students, who are completing a second degree at Illinois Institute of Technology, when the first degree was earned at a different institution, are eligible for an internship after two semesters of full-time graduate enrollment, in fall and spring semesters.