
As part of the requirements for the completion of graduate studies at the university, each student must be admitted as a regular (degree-seeking) student and complete a mandatory advising session with their academic unit. Ph.D. students must also pass the qualifying, comprehensive, and oral defense examinations, fulfill the residence requirement, and submit a dissertation before graduation. Students should refer to the Synopsis of Graduate Studies section for a list of steps and corresponding forms that must be completed. Detailed degree-specific requirements are listed under the relevant academic unit in this catalog. General information may also be found in the Degree Program Requirements section of the catalog. All incomplete coursework must be submitted to the instructor prior to the date of graduation. A recorded grade of "I" (incomplete) in a course required for graduation will result in deferral of that student’s graduation until the next semester. A new application for graduation must be submitted for that semester.

Completion of Degree

Master’s Degree Candidates

The starting date for any course applied toward the degree must be no earlier than six years before the graduation date. If this condition cannot be met, the student may petition the VP for Academic Affairs (or designee) for an extension. Any courses that fall outside the six-year time limit may need to be revalidated. For more information, students should contact their academic unit.

Doctoral Candidates

Doctoral study must be completed within six years of the mandatory doctoral advising session, which occurs at 18 earned and/or enrolled credit hours. If this condition cannot be met, the student may petition the VP for Academic Affairs (or designee) for an extension. Students who have completed courses outside the six year limit should contact Academic Affairs, as some courses may require revalidation by the academic unit.

Application for Graduation

Students expecting to graduate in a given semester must file an Application for Graduation online using Banner Student Self Service located in the MyIIT portal (, which is is submitted to Academic Affairs, by the deadline listed in the Academic Calendar for the semester of graduation.

Failure to fulfill degree requirements within the first semester of application for graduation will result in the need to enroll in a continuation of graduate study course (GCS 100 or 600). Students should contact Academic Affairs for more information on GCS.

A late graduation fee will be charged to any graduate student who seeks special consideration for failing to apply for graduation by the semester deadline, as published in the Academic Calendar. A late application for graduation may only be considered when filed no later than 30 days prior to the last day of classes, as published in the Academic Calendar. The Late Application for Graduation Form should be submitted by the student to Academic Affairs to initiate this special consideration. A late graduation application fee will be charged to the student’s account.