Master of Tall Buildings and Vertical Urbanism

The post-professional Master of Tall Buildings and Vertical Urbanism (MTBVU), an academic degree, offered by the College of Architecture is intended for students with professional degrees in architecture who seek to develop a better understanding of the theories, methods, and technologies necessary to achieve high performance, energy efficient, healthy, and sustainable high rise buildings.

Admission Requirements

The program is open to applicants holding an accredited professional degree in architecture, urban design, or allied field. Applicants with a degree earned outside the U.S. must have the equivalent to a first professional degree and be eligible for licensure in their home country.

Required Courses (24)
ARCH 545Architecture Studio V: Advanced6
ARCH 546Architecture Studio VI: Advanced 6
ARCH 570Talking TALL I3
ARCH 571Talking TALL II3
ARCH 572Tall Building Technologies I3
ARCH 573Tall Building Technologies II3
Elective Courses (6)
Select 6 credit hours from the following list:6
Material: Transparent3
Topics in Advanced Technology3
Design of Energy-Efficient Buildings I3
Design of Energy-Efficient Buildings II3
Special Problems1-8
Building Energy Modeling3
Building Enclosure Design3
Energy Conservation in Buildings3
Applied Building Energy Modeling3
Business Economics3
Financial Modeling 3
Strategic Management and Design Thinking3
Financial Management 3
Marketing Strategy3
MBA 554
Comm. Real Estate Transactions3
Real Estate Acquisitioons & Development2
Total Credit Hours30