Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Transferring from Another Program

A degree-seeking student planning to transfer from one degree program to another should discuss the matter with academic advisers in both programs.

A student seeking to change majors within the same academic unit should submit an eForm in most cases.

However, a student admitted to a co-terminal program must seek a new admission, for any change of degree combination, whether for a predefined paired co-terminal program or for an unpaired co-terminal program selection (see the paragraph below for admission application details).

A student seeking admission to a different academic unit's program is required to submit an application for admission to the desired degree program and academic unit at the Graduate Admission website ( The student will be notified once the decision is made by the Office of Graduate Admission.

Academic Review and Pathway and Bridging Programs Matriculation

Each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs completes an Academic Review of all active students, both undergraduate and graduate, to determine their academic standing. Per Illinois Tech policy, all undergraduate students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above, a major GPA of 2.0 or above, and a term GPA of 1.85 or above to be in Good Standing. All graduate students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above, and a program GPA of 3.0 or above to be in Good Standing, there may also be additional major requirements depending on the specific program. If any of those requirements are not met, the student is subject to being placed on Academic Probation. Any student on Academic Probation for two consecutive semesters or longer are candidates for academic suspension from the university.

The progress of non-degree students also is reviewed and any student who does not maintain good academic standing is subject to being placed on probation or academic suspension. Non-degree-seeking students who apply for degree-seeking status are reviewed as part of the Matriculation process. This includes students following a "Pathways and Bridging Program" pathway, per joint governance policy adoption in the Academic year 2022-2023. General Matriculation standards are as follows:

  • Undergraduate non-degree seeking (including CEG and Coursera) Matriculation: Undergraduate students must have earned at least 12 hours of coursework relevant to their major, completed all of their English requirements and be in academic Good Standing (2.0+ cumulative GPA, 2.0+ MGPA, 1.85+ term GPA) to matriculate. If any of those requirements are not met, Academic Affairs will contact the academic unit to review and use the standing review process for matriculation review before accepting, denying, or continuing as non-degree seeking. There may also be additional major requirements depending on the specific program.
  • Graduate non-degree seeking (including CEG, Beacon and Coursera) Matriculation: Graduate students must have earned at least 9 hours of coursework relevant to their major, completed all of their English requirements and be in academic Good Standing (3.0+ cumulative GPA, 3.0+ MGPA) to matriculate. If any of those requirements are not met, Academic Affairs will contact the academic unit to review and use the standing review process for matriculation review before accepting, denying, or continuing as non-degree seeking. There may also be additional major requirements depending on the specific program.


Students may be granted conditional admission, at either the undergraduate or graduate level.  When this occurs, specific conditions for progression to a regular admission status are communicated to the student and a record of the conditions are maintained by Academic Affairs. These can include, without limitation, conditions such as the requirement for certain coursework to be completed with a certain grade  threshold, as well as time limits for satisfying the specified conditions. Conditional admission standards are developed specific to each program, in collaboration with relevant academic units and program authorities.

When a student matriculates under conditional admission status, Academic Affairs tracks progression toward satisfying these conditions during these semesterly reviews and will communicate the status and action taken pursuant to such reviews to both the students and relevant academic units. Actions taken can include continuation of conditional status, progression to regular admission status if and when conditions are satisfied; or other actions such as probation or dismissal if conditions are not met within specified time limits. 

* On a case-by-case basis, a student with at least 12 (ug) or 9(gr) hours may matriculate after their 1st semester. This is subject to matriculation review and is not automatic. Deviations from set standards may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Academic Affairs has devised an articulation of a pathway based on past practice, to streamline administration and help grow programs. In which students start in non-degree seeking or in a certificate program but with a degree-seeking conditional status, admitted by admissions to this dual status under departmental criteria and matriculated to unconditional degree-seeking status upon satisfactory progress (in general, good standing, on track to qualify to graduate sought major, may include specific course completion and specific minimum standard also).

Academic Affairs will work with departments on matriculation standards and will review those not in good standing  / do not qualify with departments.

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