Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology


To receive a Ph.D., students must meet coursework requirements and pass qualifying exams, a comprehensive exam, and a thesis defense. At the conclusion of their studies, graduates of this degree should be able to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of one or more core areas of information technology though original research and published documentation of such research.
  • Research, design, and deliver optimal technical and policy technology solutions for the problems of business, industry, government, non-profit organizations, and individuals in the student’s particular core area(s).
  • Lead, manage, and work with teams in an enterprise environment to collaboratively arrive at optimal technology solutions.


Students in the Ph.D. program have course requirements that depend on whether they enter the program with a Master of Science in Information Technology or a related computing field, a master’s degree not in information technology or a computing field, or with a bachelor's degree in information technology. A student’s adviser may require specific core or elective courses be taken. Possible elective courses may include PSYC 540, PSYC 545, PSYC 546, PSYC 554, and MATH 525.

Students With a Master of Science in Information Technology or a Related Computing Field 1

Minimum Total Credits Required 72
Maximum Transfer Credit ² 32
500-, 600-, or 700-Level Course Credit Required 40
Required Courses (12)
Select a minimum of three courses from three different core course groups as listed below.9
ITM 695Doctoral Seminar3
Readings and Special Problems Course (0-6)
ITMT 597Special Problems in Information Technology 40-6
General Electives (0-6)
Select zero to six credit hours0-6
Ph.D. Research (24-28)
ITM 691Research and Thesis Ph.D.24-28
Transfer Credit (32)
A maximum of 32 credit hours of master's transfer credit is allowed.32

Students With a Master’s degree Not in Information Technology or a Computing Field 1

Minimum Total Credits Required 72
Maximum Transfer Credit ² 23
500-, 600-, or 700-Level Course Credit Required 49
Required Courses (18)
Select a minimum of one course from each of the following core course groups: Software Development, System Technologies, and Business Development9
Select a minimum of two courses from two of the following core course groups: Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Management, Management6
ITM 695Doctoral Seminar 33
Readings and Special Problems Course (0-9)
ITMT 597Special Problems in Information Technology0-9
General Electives (0-9)
Select zero to nine credit hours in conjunction with adviser0-9
Ph.D. Research (24-31)
ITM 691Research and Thesis Ph.D.24-31
Transfer Credit (23)
A maximum of 23 credit hours of masters transfer credit is allowed.23

Students With a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology

Minimum Credits Required 72
500-, 600-, or 700-Level Course Credit Required 72
Required Courses (18)
Select a minimum of one course from each of the following core course groups: Software Development, System Technologies, and Business Development9
Select a minimum of two courses from two of the following core course groups: Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Management, Management6
ITM 695Doctoral Seminar 33
Readings and Special Problems Course (0-9)
ITMT 597Special Problems in Information Technology 40-9
General Electives (9-21)
Select 9-21 credit hours in conjunction with adviser9-21
Ph.D. Research (24-36)
ITM 691Research and Thesis Ph.D.24-36

Students with a degree in a related computing field or a master’s degree not in information technology or a related computing field may be required to complete prerequisite and specific core or elective courses selected by their adviser. Undergraduate-level prerequisite courses will not be applied to the degree.


400-level Information Technology and Management courses earned at Illinois Institute of Technology may not be applied. A maximum of 12 credit hours of 400-level courses may be transferred if the courses were applied to a master’s degree.


Students must take three sequential semesters of ITM 695.


At least three credit hours of ITMT 597 or ITMT 691 are required in the first year.

  • To be used to satisfy requirements, courses must be passed with a grade of "B" or better. 400-level Information Technology and Management courses earned at Illinois Institute of Technology and accelerated courses cannot be used. With department approval, courses may be replaced by more advanced courses. 
  • The 500- and 600-level electives can include credit hours from ITMT 595. They cannot include credit hours from ITMT 597, ITM 691, or ITM 695. With department approval, up to nine credit hours may come from outside the ITM department.
  • Total credits required for the degree is a minimum. A student's adviser may require other courses to be taken. Consequently the total credits taken may exceed the minimum.

Core Courses

There are six core course areas. To meet a core requirement, a course must be taken at Illinois Institute of Technology as part of the Ph.D. or a previously completed Master's program; transfer courses from other institutions cannot be used. Core courses must be passed with "B" or better to satisfy core course requirements.

Group 1: Software Development (18)
ITMD 511Application Development Methodologies3
ITMD 512Structured and Systems Programming3
ITMD 513Open Source Programming3
ITMD 515Advanced Software Programming3
ITMD 536Software Testing and Maintenance3
ITMD 542Full-Stack Web Development3
Group 2: System Technologies (18)
ITMO 541Network Administration and Operations3
ITMO 544Cloud Computing Technologies3
ITMO 553Open Source System Administration3
ITMO 554Operating Systems Virtualization3
ITMO 557Storage Technologies3
ITMT 593Embedded Systems3
Group 3: Business Development (18)
ITMD 532UML-Based Software Development3
ITMD 534Human and Computer Interaction3
ITMD 535Human-Computer Interaction Design3
ITMM 581Information Technology Entrepreneurship3
ITMM 582Business Innovation3
ITMM 587Product Management3
Group 4: Cybersecurity (18)
ITMS 528Database Security3
ITMS 548Cyber Security Technologies3
ITMS 558Operating Systems Security3
ITMS 578Cyber Security Management3
ITMS 584Governance, Risk, and Compliance3
ITMS 588Incident Response, Disaster Recovery, and Business Continuity3
Group 5: Data Analytics and Management (18)
ITMD 522Data Mining and Machine Learning3
ITMD 523Advanced Topics in Data Management3
ITMD 524Applied Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning3
ITMD 526Data Warehousing3
ITMD 529Advanced Data Analytics3
ITMT 531Object-Oriented System Analysis, Modeling, and Design3
Group 6: Management (18)
ITMM 537Vendor Management and Service Level Agreements3
ITMM 570Fundamentals of Management for Technology Professionals3
ITMM 571Project Manangement for Information Technology Management3
ITMM 572Process Engineering for Information Technology Managers3
ITMM 574Information Technology Management Frameworks3
ITMM 585Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Technology3