Certificate in Advanced Electronics

This program is composed entirely of elective courses and provides advanced study in electronic design and device theory for those who wish to enhance their analog and digital design skills, while increasing their knowledge of the underlying device physics.


 A maximum of two 400-level courses may be taken.

Elective Courses (12-13)
Select a minimum of four courses from the following:12-13
Communication Electronics3
Power Electronics4
Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuits3
Introduction to VLSI Design4
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices3
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices
Basic Network Theory3
Quantum Electronics3
Advanced Electronic Circuit Design3
RF Integrated Circuit Design3
Active Filter Design3
Performance Analysis of RF Integrated Circuits3
Advanced VLSI Systems Design3
High Performance VLSI IC Systems3
Nanodevices and Technology3
Electron Devices3
Hardware Acceleration for Machine Learning3
Computer-Aided Design of Analog IC3
Total Credit Hours12-13