Master of Power Engineering

The purpose of this degree program is to prepare students for leading edge positions in industry in the areas of electric power, power electronics, motor drives, and electric machines. The professional Master of Power Engineering is a course-only degree program that prepares students for professional practice in power engineering.

The admission requirements for this degree follow the existing admission requirements for other professional master’s degrees in the ECE department. Students whose accredited B.S. degree is not in electrical engineering may pursue the professional master’s degree, provided that they have an adequate background and can demonstrate proficiency in the material contained in undergraduate courses equivalent to Illinois Institute of Technology's coursework:

ECE 211
ECE 213
Circuit Analysis I
and Circuit Analysis II
ECE 311Engineering Electronics4
ECE 319Fundamentals of Power Engineering4
MATH 251Multivariate and Vector Calculus4
MATH 252Introduction to Differential Equations4

A student may demonstrate proficiency by successfully completing the courses or by demonstrating satisfactory performance in one or more special examinations administered by the ECE department.


Minimum Degree Credits 30
Maximum 400-Level Credit 12
Minimum 500-Level Credit 18
Maximum Short Courses ECE 700-Level Credit 4
Maximum Transfer Credit 9
Core Courses (12-14)
ECE 418Power System Analysis3-4
or ECE 419 Power Systems Analysis with Laboratory
Select a minimum of three courses from the following:9-10
Power Electronics4
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drives3-4
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drives
Analytical Methods for Power System Economics and Cybersecurity (For Undergraduate only)3
Next Generation Smart Grid3
Advanced Power Electronics3
Power Systems (6)
Select a minimum of two courses from the following:6
Power Distribution Engineering3
Power System Planning3
Power System Relaying3
Power Market Operations3
Power Market Economics and Security3
Fault-Tolerant Power Systems3
Power System Reliability3
High Voltage Power Transmission3
Power Systems Dynamics and Stability3
Deregulated Power Systems3
Power System Transaction Management3
Artificial Intelligence in Smart Grid3
Control and Operation of Electric Power Systems3
Operations and Planning and Distributed Power Grid3
Elements of Sustainable Energy3
Elements of Smart Grid3
Microgrid Design and Operation3
Energy, Environment, and Economics3
Power Electronics and Motor Drives (6)
Select a minimum of two courses from the following:6
Digital Signal Processing I3-4
Digital Signal Processing I with Laboratory
Control Systems3
Linear System Theory3
Robust Control3
Renewable Energies3
Computer Aided Design of Electric Machines3
Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems3
Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems
Energy Harvesting3
Motion Control Systems Dynamics3
Power Electronic Dynamics and Control3
Adjustable Speed Drives3
Vehicular Power Systems2
Renewable Energy Technologies3
General Electives (4-6)
Select four to six credit hours4-6

Up to three credit hours of a Graduate Special Project in power engineering (ECE 594 or ECE 597), and up to six credit hours of ECE short courses may be applied to the degree.