Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry

Qualifying examination
Comprehensive examination
Dissertation and oral defense

A minimum of 72 credit hours is required for the Ph.D. in Chemistry. Students who have received an M.S. degree from another university may petition for transfer of up to 32 credit hours, applicable toward the Ph.D. degree.

Students must pass the Ph.D. qualifying examination by the end of their fourth semester in the program.

Next, students should register for 24-36 credit hours of research coursework numbered 691. To pass the comprehensive examination, students need to write a research progress report and proposal and defend it before a faculty committee. Students must pass the comprehensive exam at least a year prior to their thesis defense.

The final phase in the Ph.D. degree program is the successful oral defense of the dissertation and submission of a Ph.D. dissertation approved by the academic adviser and the thesis committee.


Required Courses (16)
CHEM 585Chemistry Colloquium1
CHEM 684Graduate Seminars in Chemistry1
CHEM 685Chemistry Colloquium1
CHEM 685Chemistry Colloquium1
Select a minimum of four core courses from the following:12
Advanced Organic Chemistry3
Survey of Analytical Chemistry3
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry3
Polymer Synthesis3
Theoretical and Computational Quantum Chemistry3
Elective Courses (20-32)
Select 20-32 credit hours in consultation with adviser20-32
Thesis Research (24-36)
CHEM 691Research and Thesis Ph.D.24-36

Minimum degree credits required: 72